Thursday, March 12, 2015

34 Weeks!!!

Today we are 34 weeks and 1 day...our Sweet Pea is growing growing and my belly is getting bigger bigger!  Yesterday was a rough day for me, walking around at work was difficult and I only found comfort sitting down.  I loath you round ligament pain, you are no fun!  

My last visit with my OB, after measuring the growth of my belly she estimates that Sweet Pea will be 8 lbs at birth.  Oh man do I hope she's wrong.  8 lbs out of me?  ouch!  As we get closer to our due date and reading on baby center that between 34 to 37 weeks, even though the baby is not full term she will generally do fine with no other health problems.  
I can't lie, I am pretty nervous with the whole labor process.  I am working up until my due date and I pray that contractions will start when I'm at home, not at work.  Can you imagine the sight of that?  My water breaks at work!  I am worried that when I'm offered epidural, I overdue how much I get and when it's time to push I won't be able too.  I have to be strong and just have take enough to be comfortable, but not fully take away the pain.  I have an amazing husband and family who are my support system through all this.  Knowing that I have my family and God with me, it brings me comfort that all will go well.

We were blessed with two baby showers in the February thrown by co-workers and family.  We are grateful for everyone that are part of this new journey of parenthood with us.  We can't ask for better family and friends.  For a someone who has not arrived, boy does she have a lot of stuff already.  We are in the process of reorganizing our closets and making space for all her things.  It has been a daunting process as I have been tired lately and all I want to do is sleep.  I've definitely seen the difference on my energy level in my 3rd trimester.  Sleep has been difficult and trying to stay awake at work has been quite the challenge.  Yes, I am totally nodding off at work and it's horrible.  None the less, I am grateful knowing that all that is happening to my body is preparing for our Sweet Pea's arrival.  

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